Relationships whether it is between a friend, family, or with your partner, can tend to be very frustrating and exhausting. At times they can badly affect your mental health and peace to such an extent that coping with them can become extremely difficult. The fact that relationships need time and attention cannot be ignored but when you are putting in so much effort and not getting anything in return then that is a red alarm.
Whatever relationship you are in, your life does not have to completely revolve around it. Having some personal space and personal identity is always important. But in this kind of situation, one can easily lose themselves and their senses. So, the first thing for getting out of a toxic relationship and ending it is to figure out that the relation you are in is really toxic. Most of the time, people don’t even realize its toxicity until their mental health is affected to such a point that they can’t take it anymore.
If you are starting to feel like any relationship is starting to drain all your energy then at this point it becomes essential to get out of the bond as soon as possible. I know that it is never easy but here are some of the few things which you can do for getting away from such toxic people.

Think of yourself as a survivor and not the victim:
Mental health is and should be the first priority of every person and nobody should be given the right to affect your mental health. The very first step for getting out and leaving that person behind is to consider yourself as a survivor and not the victim. It is not your fault that the other person is toxic, and the relationship didn’t work out. Toxic persons are always in their heads and whatever they did to make the relationship worse, it probably wasn’t your fault. So why care for them when they didn’t care for you right?

Do not feel guilty or have any regrets:
It’s common that many people when they get out of a toxic relation feel guilty and have all kinds of regrets, but this is what you do not want to do. You gave your best, but the other person just couldn’t perceive it or maybe they did not want to perceive it. So why constantly think and stress over a thing whose ending is going to bring a lot of peace and happiness in your life. What can you do when you have all these thoughts of guilt rushing in? You can think of all the times when you gave your best but got nothing in return. Think of all the times when that person made you feel less. Think of how terrible and shattered you felt when you were with them. Constantly tell yourself that the decision you made is right and you are going to thank yourself in the years to come.

Surround yourself with positive people:
You already had a lot of negativity around so what you want to go after leaving a toxic person is that you want to surround yourself with positive people. These people will bring much-needed positive vibes and positive thoughts to your life. You could also surround yourself around people who had similar experiences so that you can all share your experiences, close that chapter of your life and move on.
Moving on is the most crucial step, you don’t want to expect any closure. Because such types of people will never give you closure, they will also give you the blame, but you don’t have to take it. Surrounding yourself with things that you love to do and keeping yourself busy will really bring the mental peace that you have longed for. Stay positive and strong- know that you are a ‘Special Women’ and everything will fall right back onto the track!