The psychological well-being and relationships are the two variables that have significant co-relation. In other words, psychological well-being has an influence on the type. As well as quality of relationship we share with others and vice versa. For instance, if you are feeling mentally unstable because of external cues (temperature, fight, workload etc.). There is a high probability that you’ll feel frustrated over small things and frequently engage in fights. And react in unacceptable ways with others. However, if you are in a good mood, it is less likely that you act aggressively over small triggers.
Furthermore, to talk about relationships, it’s essential for humans form bonding in social relationships, enjoy communication and gatherings. We live in a collectivistic culture that also gives importance to society and social relationships. Since birth, we were taught to form relationships and attachments at every stage of our life. In early years, we develop relationships with our parents and relatives. During childhood, we began to make friends and form relationships with teachers. In adulthood, we began to develop relationships with our colleagues. As we grow old, we share many experiences at each stage which relate to other people. And it eventually affects our mental health and psychological wellbeing.
Relationship and Well Being:
As Maslow stated in his hierarchy’s model that the need for belongingness, love and care are our psychological needs as well as essential for psychological well-being.

Relationships make us feel secure, valued and help develop our self- esteem. It can be any kind of relationship with parents, friends, colleagues, lovers etc. In the modern era, in which social media influence is at its peak, there is a strong urge in people especially in adolescence and young adults to relate with others and develop relationships. It has a major influence on psychological wellbeing. The current generation easily feel emotions like depression, anxiety as they experience FOMO (Fear of missing out) and feel left out when they don’t get attention, love and care. Relationships are very crucial for fulfilling the need of love and belongingness. Also, for healthy psychological health.
Erikson’s Psychosocial Developmental:
Erikson’s psychosocial developmental stage explains that at each stage we face psychological crises which help in shaping our personality and psychosocial behaviour (positive or negative personality). In the first stage -“Trust vs mistrust”, if the child gets persistent and consistent attention, love and care from the primary caregiver, they develop a healthy attachment style, a sense of trust which in later life helps them in forming good social relationships that lead to healthy psychological wellbeing. However, if the child experiences negligence in the early childhood phase, then they develop a sense of insecurity, mistrust, anxiety which in later life makes them face trouble in developing social relationships and attachment, which eventually lead to poor psychological health and wellbeing.
Psychological Wellbeing and Relationships:
Prior research showed that there is a significant relationship between psychological wellbeing and relationships. In other words, the more the social relationship an individual develops or the more the people they have with themselves to show love, affection and care for them, have positive psychological wellbeing. People who are satisfied with their relationship and with their closed ones are more likely to have a healthy life and prefer to spend less time alone compared to people who are lonely and have nobody around them. As loneliness leads to various psychological issues such as depression which affect their psychological health negatively, to overcome one can take best online loneliness and depression counselling.
However, having a social relationship guarantees psychological wellbeing and good mental health. The quality of the relationship determines whether the effect will be positive or negative on the health. For instance, if the quality of marital life is low, the partner is abusive and not supportive. It will lead to an unhealthy mental state which affects the psychological wellbeing. And in that case need marriage counselling by top rated marriage counsellor. However, if the partners have mutual understanding, then it’ll lead to healthy psychological wellbeing. Therefore, there are some people who are unhappy despite being in a relationship, having friends and family because of disputes, communication gaps and many more reasons compared to people who are single, divorced or live in their own shell (Kim, H.K. & Mckenry, P.C., 2002).
Relation Between Pandemic Stress, Social Relationship and Psychological Wellbeing:
Prior study aimed at examining the relationship between pandemic related stress, social relationship and psychological wellbeing. The results revealed the fact that during pandemic (COVID-19), there is a social isolation, stress related to pandemic (financial issues, lack of communication and changes in daily routine etc.) . It has negatively affected the psychological wellbeing of kids & adults. If people feel isolated and unable to engage in a direct or face to face interaction with others, it negatively affects their mental health and leads to poorer psychological well-being.
Prior research suggested that there is a significant relationship between stress, social relationship and psychological wellbeing. As external and internal cues cause stress which is a normal human reaction. However, stress eventually takes the form of frustration and aggression which lead to criticism, arguments, fights with others. This can be the major factor of affecting social relationships negatively and poor psychological wellbeing (Birditt et al. 2020).
Workplace, Relationship and Psychological Wellbeing:
As an adult, we spend most of our time in the workplace or organisation. Therefore, psychological well-being should be healthy at the workplace to increase productivity and work performance. An employee will only work passionately and stay focused when the work environment is healthy, positive and stress free. It’s the result of the healthy relationship between employee, colleagues and supervisor. There should be mutual understanding, respect and support at the workplace. So that an individual can give their best to thrive to reach their goal. And eventually give job satisfaction and stability in life.
However, in contrast to this, if the colleagues are unsupportive and the boss is inconsiderate or narcissistic, it’ll lead to a stressful, unpleasant and unhealthy work environment and lead to poor psychological wellbeing. To overcome such challenges best online corporate wellness platform focuses on providing 1to1 workplace Online counselling, webinars, handling critical incidents, helping employee’s to build resilience, more mindful and motivated to excel.